ESP Active Member List

This online list contain the main data of those members who are in good standing with ESP membership.

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Result: 198 members. For truncated fields, mouse hover for full view.
First Name Last Name Sort descending Email Fields of Interest Institution / Company Laboratory / Department Address City Country Membership end
Juan Soler Orenes PhotosensitizationPhotochemistry, PhotophysicsPhototoxicityDNA damage and repair Universitat Politècnica de València Instituto de Tecnología Química (UPV-CSIC) Avenida de los Naranjos, s/n Valencia Spain 2024-12-31
Bernhard Spingler PDTPhototherapyPhotochemistry, PhotophysicsCrystallography University Of Zurich Deparment of Chemistry Winterthurerstr. 190 Zurich Switzerland 2024-12-31
Aruppillai Suthaparan Photosensory BiologyPhotosynthesis, PhotoconversionPhotomorphogenesisPhotosensitizers and photodynamic therapy Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of Plant Sciences Post box 5003 Aas Norway 2026-12-31
Heikki Takala Photosensory BiologyPhotosynthesis, PhotoconversionPhotochemistry, Photophysics University of Jyväskylä Department of Biological and Environmental Science, Nanoscience Center Survontie 9 C (Ambiotica) Jyväskylä Finland 2024-12-31
Hitoshi Tamiaki Photosynthesis, PhotoconversionPhotochemistry, Photophysics Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Life Sciences Noji-higashi 1-1-1 Kusatsu Japan 2026-12-31
Hitoshi Tamiaki Photosynthesis, PhotoconversionPhotochemistry, Photophysics Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Life Sciences Noji-higashi 1-1-1 Kusatsu Japan 2024-12-31
Franz Trautinger PhotomedicinePhotodermatologyPhototherapy Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, University Hospital of St. Poelten Department of Dermatology and Venereology Dunant-Platz 1 St. Poelten Austria 2024-12-31
Massimo Trotta Photosynthesis, PhotoconversionPhotochemistry, PhotophysicsPhototechnology, Spectroscopy Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici Via Edoardo Orabona, 4 Bari Italy 2024-12-31
George Truscott Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhotoprotection University of Keele Department of Chemistry High Street Keele United Kingdom
Rex Tyrrell PhotocarcinogenesisPhotoprotectionEnvironmental Photobiology University of Bath Department of Life Sciences Claverton Down Bath United Kingdom
Herbert van Amerongen Photosynthesis, PhotoconversionPhotoprotectionPhotochemistry, Photophysics Wageningen University & Research Laboratory of Biophysics Stippeneng 4 Wageningen New Caledonia 2024-12-31
Arjan van Dijk Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhotocarcinogenesisDNA damage and repairUV RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Centre for Environmental Safety and Security A. van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9 Bilthoven Netherlands 2026-12-31
Nazar Vasyliv PDTDNA damage and repair The University of Edinburgh center of clinical brain sciences WWCRC Garscube estate Glasgow United Kingdom 2024-12-31
Olalla Vázquez PhototherapyPhotosensory BiologyPDTDNA /peptides /epigenetics Philipps-Universität Marburg Fachbereich Chemie Herrmannstraße 1c Marburg Germany 2024-12-31
Claudia Ceciclia Vera PhotosensitizationPhotochemistry, PhotophysicsPDT Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Facultad de Agronomia y Agroindustrias, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero Av. Belgrano Sur 1912 Santiago del Estero Argentina 2025-12-31
Cristiano Viappiani Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhototechnology, SpectroscopyPDT Università degli Studi di Parma Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche Parco Area delle Scienze Parma Italy 2025-12-31
Ursula Vide Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhotosensory Biology Graz University Of Technology Institute of Biochemistry Petersgasse, 12/2 Graz Austria 2024-12-31
Dong Wang PDTPhototoxicityPhototherapy University of Bath Department of Life Sciences Claverton Down Bath United Kingdom 2024-12-31
Ann Webb UV PhotobiologyEnvironmental PhotobiologyPhototechnology, Spectroscopy University of Manchester Department of Earth and Environmental Science Simon Building, Oxford Road Manchester United Kingdom 2024-12-31
Milan Weitzel PhotoprotectionPhotochemistry, PhotophysicsPDT Georg-August-University Göttingen Institute for Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Tammanstraße 2 Göttingen Germany 2025-12-31
Anette Weyergang PDT Oslo University Hospital Institute for Cancer Research Ullernchausseen 70 Oslo Norway 2024-12-31
Havva Funda Yagci Acar PhototherapyPDTPhotomedicineNanoparticles Koç University Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry No address Istanbul Turkey 2024-12-31
Daniel Ziental PDTPhotomedicinePhotochemistry, PhotophysicsPACT, aPDT, PDT in plant protection Poznan University of Medical Sciences Chair and Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry ul Rokietnicka 3 / B.1.1.03 Poznan Poland 2026-12-31