ESP Active Member List

This online list contain the main data of those members who are in good standing with ESP membership.

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Result: 176 members. For truncated fields, mouse hover for full view.
First Name Last Name Sort descending Email Fields of Interest Institution / Company Laboratory / Department Address City Country Membership end
Gonzalo Pérez Serrano Photosynthesis, PhotoconversionPhototechnology, SpectroscopyPhotochemistry, Photophysics IMDEA Nanociencia Bio-Engineered Nanophotonics C/Faraday,9 Madrid Spain 2025-12-31
Peter Philipsen UV PhotobiologyPhotoprotectionEnvironmental Photobiology Bispebjerg University Hospital Department of Dermatology, D92 Nielssine Nielsensvej 17 Copenhagen Denmark 2025-12-31
Jacques Piette Phototherapy Université de Liège GIGA-Research Sart-tilman Liège Belgium
Alexander Pinilla Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhotosensitizationPDTPDI Pontificia universidad Católica de Chile Laboratory Chemistry supramolecular and photobiology Av Vicuña Mackena 3897, 610-A santiago Chile 2025-12-31
Brian Pogue PDTPhotochemistry, PhotophysicsPhototechnology, Spectroscopy Dartmouth College Dartmouth College 14 Engineering Drive Lebanon United States 2024-12-31
Carlo Poletto Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhotomedicineSinglet Oxygen Therapy Studio Medico di medicina integrata Studio Medico Via A. Manzoni 15 Rovereto Italy 2025-12-31
Carlotta Pontremoli PhototherapyPhototechnology, SpectroscopyPDT Politecnico Di Torino Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 Torino Italy 2024-12-31
Charareh Pourzand UV PhotobiologyPDTPhotoprotectioniron and oxidative stress University of Bath Department of Life Sciences Department of Life Sciences Bath United Kingdom 2024-12-31
Aneta Prochwicz Environmental PhotobiologyPhotosensory BiologyPhotosynthesis, Photoconversion Uniwersytet Jagielloński Małopolskie Centrum Biotechnologii UJ Golebia 24 Kraków Poland 2024-12-31
Alan Ramirez Valverde PhotodermatologyPhototherapyPhotoprotection DermaCare Fototerapia Calzada Solidaridad 117 Guadalupe Mexico 2027-12-31
Valentina Rapozzi PhototherapyPhotocarcinogenesisPDT University of Udine Department of Medicine P.le Kolbe 4 Udine Italy 2024-12-31
Hamid-Reza Rezvani UV PhotobiologyDNA damage and repairPhotocarcinogenesisEnergy metabolism Université de Bordeaux Bordeaux Institute of oncology (BRIC) 146 Rue Leo Saignat Bordeaux France 2024-12-31
Lesley Rhodes PhotodermatologyUV PhotobiologyPhotoprotectionPhotoimmunology University of Manchester Photobiology Unit, Dermatology Research Centre Stott Lane Manchester United Kingdom 2026-12-31
Patrick Rochette UV PhotobiologyPhototoxicityPhotoprotection Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology 8360 Rue de Chambéry Québec Canada 2024-12-31
Katharina Rolfes PhototoxicityDNA damage and repairUV Photobiology IUF-Leibniz Reseacrh Institute for Environmental Medicine WG Haarmann-Stemmann Auf'm Hennekamp 50 Düsseldorf Germany 2024-12-31
Giovanni Romano Phototechnology, SpectroscopyPDTPhotomedicine Università degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Sperimentali e Cliniche “Mario Serio” viale Pieraccini, 6 Firenze Italy 2024-12-31
Evelyne Sage DNA damage and repairPhotosensitization Université Lyon Sud Signalisation, radiobiologie et cancer Bâtiment 110 Orsay France
Tadeusz Sarna PhotoprotectionPhotosensitizationVision Uniwersytet Jagielloński Department of Biophysics Institute of Molecular Biology, Gronostajowa 7 Kraköw Poland
Sergio Schalka PhotodermatologyPhotoprotectionPhotomedicine Medcin Skin Research Center Photoprotecion laboratory Rua General Fernando Vasconcellos Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Cotia Brazil 2024-12-31
Angelika Seeber Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhotomedicinePhotoimmunology Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Institute of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacognosy Innrain 80 - 82/IV Innsbruck Austria 2025-12-31
Pål Selbo PDTPhotoimmunologyPhotomedicine Oslo University Hospital Institute for Cancer Research Ullernchausseen 70 Oslo Norway 2024-12-31
Mathias Senge Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhototherapyPhotosynthesis, PhotoconversionHistory of Science Trinity College Dublin Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute - School of Chemistry 152-160 Pearse Street Dublin Ireland 2025-12-31
Bianka Siewert PhotosensitizationPhotochemistry, PhotophysicsPhotomedicine University of Innsbruck Pharmacognosy Innrain 80/82 Innsbruck Austria 2026-12-31
Caio César Silva Photosynthesis, PhotoconversionPhotochemistry, PhotophysicsEnvironmental PhotobiologyPhotosensory Biology Chemistry Institute- São Paulo State University Electroanalytical Group of Araraquara Rua Professor Francisco Degni, 55 Araraquara Brazil 2025-12-31
Nadja Simeth Photochemistry, PhotophysicsPhototechnology, SpectroscopyPhotomedicinePhotopharmacology Georg-August-University Göttingen Institute for Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Tammanstraße 2 Göttingen Germany 2024-12-31