Letter from the President
Dear Friends, dear Colleagues
The European Society for Photobiology (ESP) is an international society with a global membership that includes substantial representation several regions of the world, despite being founded and based in Europe. Founded in 1985, since its inception ESP has aimed to expand and promote the knowledge of Photobiology through a diverse membership and active engagement in the society activities of students, via the biannual School of Photobiology, and young investigators, via prizes, fellowships, and scholarships.
In 2024, ESP initiated an ongoing collaboration with former students of the School of Photobiology to organize a junior online meeting , led by Carla Arnau and Martina Mušković, in conjunction with the International Day of Light. We firmly believe that early-stage researchers play a crucial role in shaping the future of the European Society for Photobiology.
ESP is committed to supporting the participation of students and post-docs in our congresses, which are held every two years. The last congress took place in Lyon and the next congress, and the upcoming one will be held in Bari from August 24th to 28th, 2025. ESP will turn 40 in 2025 and we hope to have you in Bari to celebrate this significant milestone. Please, check the website of the society for updates.

Massimo Trotta
Massimo Trotta

Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes
National Research Council
Via Orabona, 4
70124 Bari - Italy
The ESP promotes scientific publication through its peer-reviewed journal, Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences published by SpringerNature and featuring themed issues on diverse photobiological topics. Kristjan Plaetzer has been serving as Editor-in-chief since 2023, succeeding Rex Tyrrell. The journal is under continuous growth according to the submission rate and the impact in the field of photobiology. Additionally, the authoritative Comprehensive Series in Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences has also joined SpringerNature, with the first books under the new publisher expected soon.
ESP membership is very affordable for everybody, with two-year membership costing only €100, which includes online access to the society's journal and a reduced registration fee for the Congress. Fellowships and Photobiology School attendance are available exclusively to members. Reduced rates are also available for students and retired members.
Our communication activities have flourished over recent years, and we are now active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Please follow and interact with us on these platforms.
The period leading up to the 21st congress promises to be as exciting as the event itself, and we warmly invite you to join ESP and mark the end of August 2025 on your calendar.
For more information about the executive members and their roles in the society’s workgroups, please visit our website. Feel free to contact the Communication Work Group, Membership Work Group, Publications Advisory Work Group, or Sponsorship Work Group to share your ideas, proposals, or views with us.
Thank you very much for your interest and support.
Massimo Trotta