ESP Scientific Advisory Board of 2021-2023

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) provides inputs and suggestions at large on all scientific matters where this is required for the Executive Committee and for other ESP committees. One of the main goals for establishing the SAB is to assure a high scientific quality of the ESP congress by providing the congress Organizing Committee with recommendations for plenary speakers, symposia topics, and chairpersons. However, the function of SAB is not restricted to the organization of the congress, but should also provide recommendations on other scientific matters when requested. The members of the SAB should together cover all the main scientific fields of interest to the members of ESP. We hope that ESP in this way can further progress as a forum for dissemination of photobiological information and scientific discussions.

Members of the Scientific Advisory Board

Stefania Abbruzzetti (IT)

Pilar Acedo Nunez (UK)

Adelaide Almeida (PT)

Maurício da Silva Baptista (BR)

Roberto Bassi (IT)

Janet F. Bornman (NZ)

Ardemis Boghossian(CH)

Silvia Braslavsky (GE)

Ellen Bruzell (NO)

Roberta Croce (NL)

Richard Debus (US)

Paolo Di Mascio (BR)

Thierry Douki (FR)

Fabienne Dumoulin (TR)

Elise Dumont (FR)

Abishek Garg (BE)

Florian Gruber (AT)

Matteo Grattieri (IT)

Mike R. Hamblin (US)

Prue H. Hart (AU)

Tayyaba Hasan (US)

Roberto Improta (IT)

Gareth I. Jenkins (UK)

Joanna Kargul (PL)

Mladen Korbelik (CA)

Yannis Koutalos (US)

Lionel Larue (FR)

Doug Learn (US)

Francesco Lenci (IT)

Stéphanie Leroy-Lhez (FR)

Henry W. Lim (US)

Antonio Monari (FR)

Carlo Musio (IT)

Joanna Nakonieczna (PL)

Patrick Neale (US)

Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska (CH)

Sabrina Oliveira (NL)

Eva Remenyik (HU)

Lesley Rhodes (UK)

Imran Rizvi (US)

Daniel Roca-Sanjuán (ES)

Giovanni Romano (IT)

Alexander Ruban (UK)

Evelyne Sage (FR)

Mathias Senge (IE)

David Somers (US)

Salvatore Sortino (IT)

Paola Taroni (IT)

Andrés Thomas (AR)

Cristiano Viappiani (IT)

Peter Wolf (AT)

Antony R. Young (UK)

Gang Zheng (CA)

Tim Maisch (DE)

Aba Losi (IT)

Angela Falciatore (FR)

Noam Adir (IL)

Eleni Stavrinidou (SE)

Dario Bassani (FR)

Diana Kirilovsky (FR)