ESP Young Investigator Award
Call for nominations
In a continuing effort to promote Photobiology, the European Society for Photobiology (ESP) offers a Young Investigator Award to a early stage researcher who has conducted original research of exceptionally high quality in a field related to Photobiology.
The award will be presented at the biannual Congress of the European Society for Photobiology.
The awardee will deliver a plenary lecture during the ESP Congress.
Previous awardees were:
You are warmly encouraged to nominate a candidate for this Award.
The nomination letter from an ESP member must be accompanied by:
- A motivation letter in favour of the nominee;
- A CV and a list of the publications of the nominee in decreasing order of relevance;
- A short description of the actual research activities of the nominee.
For eligibility candidates should be early-career researchers with less of 10 years of post-PhD experience* and be ESP Members in good standing at the moment of their nomination.
*Longer period can be considered where there is evidence of a career break, i.e. maternity leave.
Nominations should be sent by e-mail to @email before the closure of the call at the latest. The nomination will be examined by the Education and Training Committee and approved with an indisputable decision by the Executive Committee.
Call Opening: Feb, 15th, new Deadline: March, 31st.

Receiving the Young investigator Award allowed me to present my research to a broad community, expand scientific networking and start exciting collaborations. It was also beneficial to my career as Assistant Professor at the University of Bari, Italy
(use @GrattieriLab as a shortcut on twitter instead of the full link)

From photosensitizing proteins to novel microscopy methods for studying light-induced biological processes at the nanoscale, Photobiology remains at the heart of my lab's research at IMDEA Nanoscience more than a decade after my award. Thank you ESP!
Cristina Flors Lab

Photobiology came up at the dawn of my scientific career and convinced me of the importance of multidisciplinary approaches in Biology. YIA acknowledged my passion for molecular biology, which encouraged and helped me to pursue my scientific career in academic research.

Receiving the ESP Young Investigator Award was a significant moment for me. It allowed me to share my research with the global community of photobiologists and gain international recognition for my work, which will open doors to exciting new collaborations.

Being new to Europe, I was faced with building a new local academic network when I started my research team. The ESP Young Investigator Award gave me the visibility that I needed to build this network. I am thankful for the strong connections that grew from the ESP lecture, the award ceremony, and being a part of the ESP community. I am also deeply thankful for the recognition this award has brought to my team's research early in the building of our lab during my tenure-track years. This recognition continues to motivate our research, inspiring high-risk, high-reward efforts from the even earlier-career researchers on our team.

Receiving the Young Investigator Award was a fantastic opportunity to present my research to this large ESP community. In addition to giving me great visibility within this community I had recently joined, the YIA represented an important milestone in my career, as it sounded like a mark of encouragement to continue my research and a token of recognition from my peers.

The ESP Young Investigator Award was a fantastic recognition of my doctoral research on photodynamic therapy-induced immunogenic cell death (ICD) in cancer. This prize inspired me to pursue various challenges in the field of immunology of cell death in cancer immunotherapy. This was before cancer immunotherapy was recognised as a breakthrough. Subsequently, this fuelled my current independent research in reverse translational immuno-oncology as group leader at KU Leuven, Belgium.
Lab Website:
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