Giulio Jori Research Scholarship
This Research Scholarship was entitled to Giulio Jori after he sadly passed away in late December 2014. The scholarship is provided by an endowment set up in honour of Giulio Jori, the leading light in the founding of the European Society for Photobiology and a pioneer in many of activities of the society.
The scholarship funds includes voluntary contributions and the endowment is actively building up.
The applications for the scholarship are now open and will close on July 31st.
Winner for the 2022 edition: Dr. Juliana Guerra Pinto (Universidade do Vale do Paraíba - UNIVAP - Brasil).
Winner for the 2024 edition: Claudia Cecilia Vera (Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina)

Eligibility criteria
Selection criteria
Application contents
Fulfillment after the award
One scholarship annually providing up to 6000 € to cover travel and living expenses associated with visiting a research laboratory in another country for a period of 3 months.
To promote a research career in photobiology for young scientists of high potential, particularly from less privileged countries, and to enhance collaborations between research laboratories.
- The fellow and sending senior scientist should be ESP members at the time of application. An associated 1000 euro is available to the host institution for the fellow’s research consumables if the hosting senior scientist is an ESP member at the time of application.
- The fellow and the hosting and sending senior scientists must jointly write and sign the research plan and both senior scientists must endorse the candidate.
- The fellow and the hosting and sending senior scientists must jointly write, sign and send a final report to the ESP within 3 months of completion of the visit.
- Any publication or presentation derived from the research visit must acknowledge the "Giulio Jori Research Scholarship of the European Society for Photobiology".
- The fellow should present the results of the scholarship at the next ESP congress - as an oral or poster communication as decided by the congress organising committee.
Awardee (the following are prioritised):
- A letter of application from the candidate identifying the sender and host scientists and their respective institutions. The letter should include a statement of purpose explaining how the Giulio Jori scholarship will facilitate the candidate’s future career in photobiology research.
- CV of the applicant
- Research Plan, developed and signed by the fellow, written in agreement with the sending and hosting senior scientists
- Itemised Budget of up to 6000 Euro, which may be used for (i) accommodation & subsistence of up to 1500 Euro/month and (ii) travel expenses
- Letters of endorsement of candidate (by sending and hosting senior scientists) including an endorsement of the research plan and evidence of committment by both institutions
- A joint report signed by the Fellow and the hosting and sending scientists must be submitted to the Education and Training Commission of the ESP within 3 months of completion the visit.
- Any publication or congress presentation derived from the research visit must acknowledge the “Giulio Jori Research Scholarship of the European Society for Photobiology”. Proofs required.
- The fellow should present the results of the Scholarship at the next ESP congress after the visit – as an oral or poster communication as decided by the Congress Organizing Committee.
Applicants are kindly requested to merge the above listed documents (Application contents) in a single PDF file. (Many freeware web applications are available for this purpose: search for "merge combine pdf").
For any question about the submission procedure, please contact ESP technical support.