Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Executive Committee of the European Society for Photobiology (ESP), the Executive Board of the International Union of Photobiology (IUPB), and the Congress Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to attend the World Congress on Light and Life (17th Congress of the International Union of Photobiology and 18th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology), which will be held in Barcelona (Spain) from the 25th to the 30th August 2019.
This first joint ESP-IUPB global congress on light and life will provide a comprehensive international forum for the dissemination of the most recent research and technological developments in the photobiological sciences and in photomedicine, and it will offer a unique opportunity for presentation of the latest breakthroughs, exchange of new ideas, and for establishing global and far-reaching collaborations.
The broadest possible coverage of the photobiological sciences will be achieved through 60 symposia featuring 540 presentations, 5 plenary and 18 keynote lectures, complemented by poster sessions and applied photobiology sessions. An unprecedented number of speaking opportunities will enable a large fraction of the delegates to disseminate and discuss their research thereby increasing its impact. In addition, there will be the opportunity to contribute and participate in interactive poster sessions. There will be fellowships available to encourage the active participation of young scientists in the congress program.
Barcelona is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, a highly dynamic south-European and Mediterranean city with a unique mix of contemporary and historic architecture. Barcelona is a creative, modern and cosmopolitan city that offers a vast array of attractions such as the legacy of famous architect Antoni Gaudí, a large number of fine restaurants, 5 km of beaches, a medieval city center – the gothic quarter – the famous Ramblas avenue where you go to see and be seen… A city you will love. The weather in late August is pleasantly warm, with an average temperature of 24 ºC. The temperature rarely goes above 30 ºC and the probability of rain is low.
The congress venue is the hotel Crowne Plaza Fira Center. It is very conveniently located within walking distance of the city center and several museums and tourist attractions. It can be easily reached from the airport using the “Aerobus” and is also a few minutes away from the main Railway station. The Crowne Plaza has excellent facilities that ensure a smooth running of the congress.
A final word to our sponsors, to whom this invitation is warmly extended. Full recognition of their contributions will be made at the meeting as well as in Congress literature and on our website.
We look forward to welcoming you in Barcelona, a wonderful place for a memorable meeting.
Santi Nonell
John Spudich
Congress Chairs
Prof. Santi Nonell
President, European Society for Photobiology
IQS School of Engineering, University Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain
Prof. John L. Spudich
President, International Union of Photobiology
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA
European Society for Photobiology
International Union of Photobiology
Scientific Organizing Committee
John Spudich (Houston, USA)
Rex M. Tyrrell (Bath, UK)
Evelyne Sage (Paris, France)
Francesco Ghetti (Pisa, Italy)
Franz Trautinger (St. Pölten, Austria)
Kristian Berg (Oslo, Norway)
Ann Webb (Manchester, UK)
Massimo Trotta (Bari, Italy)
Silvia E. Braslavsky (Mülheim, Germany)
Local Organizing Committee
Santi Nonell
Montserrat Agut
Diego de Argila
Yolanda Gilaberte
Amadeu Llebaria
Maria Lluïsa Sagristá
Symposium Organizers
Margaret Ahmad
Emilio Alarcon
Carlos Ballaré
Maurício Baptista
Mario Blumthaler
Janet Bornman
Ellen Bruzell
Theresa Busch
Scott Byrne
Sebastiano Campagna
John Christie
Gonzalo Cosa
Richard Debus
Thierry Douki
Oliver Ernst
Mark Farrar
Felix Figueroa
Celine Frochot
Wolfgang Gärtner
Michael Hamblin
Peter Hegemann
Belinda Heyne
Alistair M.Hetherington
Éva Hideg
Sally Ibbotson
Gareth Jenkins
Hideki Kandori
Diana Kirilovsky
Mladen Korbelik
J. Clark Lagarias
Norbert Lange
Lionel Larue
Douglas B. Learn
Giovanni Leone
Virginie Lhiaubet-Vallet
Henry Lim
Amadeu Llebaria
Aba Losi
Sandy MacRobert
Tim Maisch
Antonio Monari
Ana Moore
Qian Peng
Julia Pérez-Prieto
Kristjan Plaetzer
Elena Reddi
Joan Roberts
Yolanda Solà
David Somers
Eleni Stavrinidou
Kaoru Sugasawa
Akihisa Terakita
Wim Vermaas
Rachel Watson
Sebastian Westenhoff
Peter Wobrauschek
Dongping Zhong
Program Overview
The program will include:
Plenary and Keynote Lectures
60 Symposia
Invited Lectures and Free Communications
Poster Sessions
Industry Sponsored Sessions
Commercial Exhibitions
Social Events
Photomedicine and Human Photobiology
UV, Visible and Near Infrared Effects on the Skin, Melanins, Vitamin D, DNA Damage and Repair, Photocarcinogenesis, Photoimmunology, UV-induced Skin Cancer, Photoaging, Photosensitivity Diseases, Topical and Systemic Photoprotection, Sunscreen Developments, Phototherapy, Eye Photodamage and Phototherapy, Photopharmacology, Photostability, Photodegradation and Phototoxicity of Drugs, Optogenetics, Light in Dentistry, Lighting Environment, Photodiagnosis
Photodynamic Therapy
Clinical PDT, Antimicrobial Resistance and PDT, Oxygen in PDT, Role of PDT in Combination Therapies, New Excitation Strategies, New Photosensitizers, Photodynamic Diagnosis, Theranostics, Drug Delivery in PDT, Targeting in PDT, Tissue Bonding, Vascular PDT
Plant Photobiology
Structure and Regulation in Photosynthesis, Light Harvesting Dynamics, Artificial Photosynthesis, UVB Effects on Plants, Plant Defence, ROS Signalling, Plant Photoprotection, Photomorphogenesis, Plant Photoreceptors, Extremophiles, Optogenetics in Plants, Algae-based Photobiosynthesis and Biofuels, Light and Flowering
Environmental Photobiology
Ozone and Climate Change, UV Monitoring, Human Health in Changing Climate, Effects on Food Quality and Crops, Aquatic Photobiology, Effect on Biogeochemical Cycles, Solar Fuels, Metagenomics of Photic Environments
Physical and Chemical Photobiology
Molecular Imaging and Fluorescent Probes, Genetically-Encodable Probes, Illumination Strategies and Imaging in Optogenetics, Photoacoustic Imaging, Tetrapyrroles in Photobiology, Fullerenes in Photobiology, Upconversion Nanoparticles in Photobiology, Quantum Dots in Photobiology, Reactive Oxygen Species, Nanobioplasmonics, Time- and Space-Resolved Photobiological Techniques, Molecular Modelling, Femtobiology, Biophotonics, Bioluminescence
Sensory Photobiology
Optogenetics, Vision in Microorganisms and Animals, Microbial Rhodopsins, Visual Pigments, Carotenoid- and Retinal-Binding Proteins, Flavoproteins, Phytochromes, Photosignal Transduction Mechanisms, Cryptochromes, UV Radiation and Magnetoperception in Animals, Time-Resolved Nanocrystallography of Photoreceptors, Photoorientation and Photomovements of Microorganisms, Circadian Rhythms
Industrial Photobiology
Industry-Sponsored Satellite Symposia, Live Demonstrations, Expert Meetings, Educational Events