12th ESP 2007 - University of Bath, U.K., September 1/6, 2007
Plenary Lectures and Symposia
Plenary Lectures - Photobiology Updates
- Janet Bornman (New Zealand): Impacts of UV-B radiation on biotic and abiotic systems in relation to global climate change
- Steve Bown (UK): Overview of clinical applications of PDT
- Leon H. F. Mullenders (The Netherlands): Combating the dark sides of sunlight: DNA repair from past to future
- Vivienne Reeve (Australia): Multiple regulatory pathways for photoimmune responsiveness
- Pill-Soon Song (Korea): From photochemistry and photobiology to photobiotechnology of plants
- Young Investigator Lecture: Title to be announced, Speaker to be appointed
- ALA-based PDT - Chair: Allan Oseroff (USA)
- A reconstruction of the past UV climatology over Europe for photobiological studies (ESP-COST-726 Joint Symposium) - Chair: Gaetano Zipoli (Italy)
- Biological consequences of UV damage - Chair: Alain Sarasin (France)
- Bioluminescence - Chair: Vadim Viviani (Brasil)
- Biophysics of Photosensitization - Chair: Benjamin Ehrenberg (Israel)
- Blue light regulation in plants and microorganisms - Chair: Aba Losi (Italy)
- Clinical applications of PDT and PDD - Chair: Herwig Kostron (Austria)
- DNA damage and repair - Chair: Jean Cadet (France)
- Drug delivery technology for PDT - Chair: Kristian Berg (Norway)
- Experimental photocarcinogenesis - Chairs: Honnavara Ananthaswamy (USA), Frank de Grujil (The Netherlands)
- Instrumentation in photobiology - Chair: Angelika Rueck (Germany)
- Mechanistic and applied approaches to plant response in a changing climate - Chair: Janet F. Bornman (New Zealand)
- Molecular and cellular aspects of PDT - Chair: Jacques Piette (Belgium)
- Molecular and cellular effects of UV-A - Chair: Rex Tyrrell (UK)
- New approaches to clinical phototherapy - Chair: Peter Wolf (Austria)
- New aspects of photoimmunology - mouse and man - Chair: Vivienne Reeve (Australia)
- PDT, light and immune system - Chair: Gianfranco Canti (Italy)
- PDT to treat microbial infections - Advances in understanding the mechanisms involved in the photosensitised inactivation of microbial cells (In memory of John Spikes) - Chair: Giulio Jori (Italy)
- Photobiological techniques for environmental monitoring and control - Chair: Francesco Ghetti (Italy)
- Photochemistry and photobiology of carotenoids (ESP-EPA Joint Symposium) - Chairs: Johan Lugtenburg (The Netherlands), George Truscott (UK)
- Photochemistry and phototoxicity of drugs - Chair: Miguel Miranda (Spain)
- Photodermatoses (ESP-BPG Joint Symposium in memory of Ian Magnus) - Chairs: Neil Gibbs (UK), Antony Young (UK)
- Photodiagnosis and optical techniques for medical diagnosis - Chair: Georges Wagnières (Switzerland)
- Photoorientation in plants and microorganisms - Chair: Francesco Lenci (Italy)
- Photoprotection (ESP-ESPD Joint Symposium) - Chairs: Christophe Bedane (France), Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton (Italy)
- Photosynthesis: mimicking the natural system for solar energy conversion (In honour of James Barber) - Chair: Alison Telfer (UK)
- Recent advances in the characterization of photooxidative damage at the biomolecular level - Chair: Al Girotti (USA), Colin Chignell (USA)
- Sun sensitivity, DNA repair and skin cancer - Chair: Ken Kraemer (USA)
- UV and global climate change: effects in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (ESP-ASP Joint Symposium) - Chairs: Donat-Peter Haeder (Germany), Pat Neale (USA)
- UV and oxidative stress - Chair: Irene Kochevar (USA)
- Vitamin D and solar radiation - Chair: Antony Young (UK)