11th ESP 2005 - Aix-les-Bains, France, September 3/8, 2005
- Acclimatation, stress and regulation of photosynthesis
- ALA-based PDT
- Animal model of photocarcinogenesis
- Antimicrobial PDT
- Cellular response to solar UV
- Clinical applications of PDT
- DNA damage and repair
- Light-regulation in plants: growth and rhythms
- Mechanisms of plant UV-response
- Molecular and cellular aspects of PDT
- Novel blue light receptors
- Ocular light damage
- Oxidative stress in plants
- Photoageing
- Photocarcinogenesis
- Photochemistry and photobiology of fullerenes (Joint with the European Photochemistry Association)
- Photochemistry and phototoxicity of drugs
- Photodermatology (Joint with the European Society of Dermatology)
- Photodiagnosis and optical techniques for medical diagnosis
- Photoimmunology (sponsored by L'Oréal)
- Photomovements
- Photoprotection and sunscreens
- Physical chemistry of photosensitizers: membrane interactions,
vectorisation and targeting - Plant photobiology in extreme environments
- Role of natural and artificial photosynthesis in sustainable energy development
- Spectroscopic studies of fast and ultrafast events in photobiology
- UV effects on aquatic environments
- Visual pigments and phototransduction (Joint with the American Society for Photobiology)