11th ESP 2005 - Aix-les-Bains, France, September 3/8, 2005

General Information

Congress Venue

The congress will be held at

Casino Grand Cercle

200 rue du Casino

Aix-les-Bains , France

Phone : +33 - 4 - 79 35 16 16

Local Chairman

Dr. Jean Cadet

Laboratory "Lésions des Acides Nucléiques", DRFMC/SCIB


F-38054 Grenoble CEDEX 9, France

Phone: +33 - 4 - 38 78 49 87

Fax: +33 - 4 - 38 78 50 90

E-mail: jcadet@cea.fr

Official Language

The official Congress language is English. No simultaneous translation will be available


Abstract submission 1 June 2005

Fellowship application 5 June 2005

Early registration 30 June 2005

Hotel booking 15 June 2005