ESP Fellowships
The European Society for Photobiology (ESP) will award a limited number of Fellowships to young Photobiologists attending the 14th Congress of the Society, which will be held September 1-6, 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland. Successful applicants will be provided with accommodation (in double room at the ETAP HOTEL Genève Petit-Lancy, Chemin des Olliquettes 6, Petit-Lancy 1213, Geneva), waiving of the registration fee and 50 euros.
Applicants must be Students or Post-Doc's (less than 35 years of age) and ESP Members at the time of application.
Applications should be sent (preferably by e-mail) to Evelyne Sage, Chairman of the ESP "Education and Training Committee", by May 9, 2011. The application letter must be accompanied by:
- Abstract of the presentation at the meeting
- A concise CV
- A letter of support from the applicant’s advisor at his/her home institution
ESP support to advanced scientists
ESP is also willing to offer a case by case support to advanced scientists below financial difficulties, exclusively under the form of a reduction in the registration fee. The letter that motivates the application must be accompanied by a CV including a list of the last 5 years publications. Awardees will have the possibility to reserve an hotel room at low price.
Evelyne Sage
Institut Curie - Centre de Recherche
Bât. 110, Centre Universitaire
F-91405 ORSAY
Tel: 33-
Fax: 33-