13th ESP 2009 - Wroclaw, Poland, September 5/10, 2009

General Information

Congress Venue

The scientific part of the meeting will be held at the Faculty of Law, University of Wroclaw, Uniwersytecka street 30; 50-145 Wroclaw, Poland.

Local Organization

Chairman: Professor Piotr Ziółkowski
Department of Pathology
Wroclaw Medical University
Ul. Marcinkowskiego 1
50-368 Wroclaw, Poland
Fax: 48 71 7840057
Tel. 48 71 7841220
e-mail: ziolkows@interia.pl or ziolkows@anpat.am.wroc.pl

With organizing support from
Dr. Krzysztof Symonowicz
e-mail: krzysztof@symonowicz.pl

Co-organizer: Polish Society of Pathologists

Official Language

The conference language will be English with no translation facilities available.


Abstract submission: 11 May 2009

Fellowship application: 8 May 2009

Early registration: 8 June 2009

Location of Scientific Activities

The opening ceremony and plenary talks will be held in the New Building of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy, including two 500-seats, one 200-seats halls and 6 additional modern lecture rooms also in the Old Building of the Faculty. All posters, exhibitions, coffee breaks and the main meeting area will be in the New Building.

Main Social Events

The Welcome reception on 5 September (Saturday), in the evening will be held in the Aula Leopoldina (built in 1728-1732) and in the close Oratorium Marianum (built in 1733). Named after the Austrian Emperor Leopold who founded the university in 1702, the Aula Leopoldina is a beautiful Baroque Hall on the first floor of the main University building. The English information booklet remarks that "the visitor absorbs the beauty around him, sensing his individual existence as being a particle of the universe" (www.wroclaw-life.com/culture/culture_details/96-Aula_Leopoldina). Aula Leopoldina and Oratorium Marianum are located on the opposite side of Uniwersytecka street in the main building of the University of Wroclaw.
The gala dinner, on Tuesday 8 September, will be held in the Mercure Panorama Hotel; pl. Dominikanski 1, 50-159 Wroclaw, tel 48 71 3232700 (www.orbis.pl).


The registration office will be in the New Building of the Faculty of Law, beginning from 14.30 on Saturday September 5. The fees and deadlines will be as follows:

  Before 8 June 2009 Before 15 August 2009 On-site payment
ESP Members €390 €450 €550
ESP Members (Emerging Countries) €220 €300 €400
ESP Members (Students)* €160 €200 €250
Non-ESP Members** €550 €650 €750
* Students: Certification letter required.
** For non-ESP members: You may apply for ESP membership at the ESP website.

Registration fee includes access to all the scientific sessions, including those of the 2nd Conference of the European Platform for Photodynamic Medicine, and the exhibition/poster hall, the book of abstracts, coffee breaks and the Welcome reception.


There is a large number of restaurants, coffee bars, snack bars and pubs in the neighborhood of the Faculty of Law. Some serve traditional Polish dishes. There is also a restaurant "Bazylia" in the New Building of the Faculty of Law, where the prices are relatively low.
Food shops, banks, post-office are within walking distance from the venue.

Travel to Wroclaw

Wroclaw International Airport is well connected with a number of cities in Europe:
Warsaw, Barcelona-Girona, Bournemouth, Bristol, Brussels, Dortmund, Dublin, Dusseldorf, East Midlands, Edinburgh, Frankfurt/Main, Glasgow, Copenhagen, Liverpool, London-Luton, London-Stansted, Milan-Malpensa, Munich, Oslo, Shannon and Stockholm-Skavsta (see: www.airport.wroclaw.pl).

Wroclaw is also accessible by train from Germany (different cities), Czech Republic (Prag), Slovakia (Bratislava), Ukraine (Kiev), Russia (Moscow) and Lithuania (Vilnius), (see: www.rozklad.pkp.pl).

Other informations on Wroclaw:
